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Rocky Mountain Health Plans

Information by Research Trustfinance
Rocky Mountain Health Plans, a dominant and lengthy-independent provider of health insurance policy in western Colorado. RMHP Family plans offers several drug plans to pair with your RMHP Family health plan. The Prescription Drug Plan Description Form provides detailed benefit information about each plan. Deductible - The annual dollar amount that you must pay before certain medical services will be covered. Out of Pocket Max - The maximum each person or family will pay, per calendar year. Please note office visit copays, prescription drug rider copays and certain other benefit copays will continue to apply even after your out of pocket maximum is reached. For HSA plans, all deductible and coinsurance amounts apply to the out of pocket maximum. Co-Insurance - The percentage of a covered health care service you must pay for after you have paid the full amount of the plan's deductible. There is no co-insurance on HSA plans.
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