01 Thg 09 2011
(13 年)
0 評論
6月, 2024
5月, 2024
三個月總計 : 218.1K
Bikmo exists to enable you to ride more. We build awesome insurance products to protect our customers for unexpected events, use technology to make taking out and managing your policy ultra-simple, and provide exceptional customer experiences through our team of bike geeks. We’re now 5 years into our mission to enable anyone, anywhere, to protect their lifestyle, so they can spend more time enjoying it. And, become the brand that resonates with and protects the passion and drive behind the bike and adventure sports community. At the heart of our business is a bunch of bike and adventure sports geeks who choose to spend their free time in the epic wild places our earth has to offer and we want to continue to be able to do just that.
Bikmo exists to enable you to ride more. We build awesome insurance products to protect our customers for unexpected events, use technology to make taking out and managing your policy ultra-simple, and provide exceptional customer experiences through our team of bike geeks. We’re now 5 years into our mission to enable anyone, anywhere, to protect their lifestyle, so they can spend more time enjoying it. And, become the brand that resonates with and protects the passion and drive behind the bike and adventure sports community. At the heart of our business is a bunch of bike and adventure sports geeks who choose to spend their free time in the epic wild places our earth has to offer and we want to continue to be able to do just that.
喺單車運動日益普及嘅今日,單車保險嘅重要性亦隨之提升。Bikmo 作為一家專注於單車及出行相關業務嘅專業保險經紀公司,憑藉其獨特嘅服務理念同產品設計,喺市場上贏得唔少好評。呢篇文章將會深入剖析 Bikmo,從公司背景、產品服務、價格策略以至客戶服務等方面,提供全面嘅評估,協助你判斷 Bikmo 是否適合你嘅需要。
Bikmo 成立於 2014 年,最初係一個單車及配件比較平台,後嚟轉型成為專注於單車及出行相關業務嘅專業保險經紀公司。Bikmo 熱衷於保障全球單車騎士及其騎行環境,並致力於環境可持續發展及社區保護。[1][3]
Bikmo 起初係一個單車及配件比較引擎,憑藉對單車行業嘅深入了解及廣泛網絡,加上對優秀科技及客戶體驗嘅熱誠,喺 2014 年成功轉型為保險公司。[3] 呢個轉型嘅契機源於 2014 年環法單車賽 Rapha Tempest Festival 上嘅咖啡銷售,積累咗 2000 個電郵訂閱者。[3]
Bikmo 專注於單車保險,提供多種保單,涵蓋失竊、意外損壞、破壞等風險。[2][4] 主要產品包括:
單車保險保費根據所選保單級別而有所不同。例如,CLIK 保單提供基本保障,而 PROTECT 及 PROTECT-R 保單則提供更全面嘅保障,包括活動費用保障及競賽保障。[2][4]
雖然無提供具體嘅行業平均水平數據,但 Bikmo 嘅具競爭力嘅價格結構及全面嘅保障選項,令佢喺市場上佔有優勢。[2][4]
Bikmo 定期會推出促銷優惠及期間限定折扣,詳情會透過其網站或客戶服務渠道公佈。[2]
Bikmo 係一家專門從事單車及出行保險嘅專業保險經紀公司,憑藉其對社會及環境責任嘅承諾,以及針對單車騎士需求而設計嘅全面保障選項,喺市場上佔有一席之地。其以客戶為中心嘅服務理念、快速嘅理賠流程以及與知名單車組織嘅合作夥伴關係,令 Bikmo 成為單車保險市場上嘅有力競爭者。
建議:Bikmo 嘅保險產品特別適合重視全面保障、快速理賠及以客戶為中心服務嘅單車騎士。Cycling UK 及 British Cycling 會員亦可享有獨家折扣優惠及度身訂造嘅保單。
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