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알아가기 Match-Trader

Match-Trader is an award-winning trading platform offered in 2 models: White Label platform and Broker’s Own Server. Clients can choose from a wide range of built-in apps e.g. Client Office, Social and Copy Trading solution and Integrated Payments, which can be customized according to their needs. Match-Trader has been developed by the team of skilled professionals from Match-Trade Technologies. Established in 2013, a forex and cryptocurrency technology provider, delivers turnkey trading solutions for FX Brokers, ECN Venues, Liquidity Providers and Crypto Exchanges.

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TrustFinance 정보 기관

연구 날짜: 9월 28, 2024

Match-Trade has upgraded its Prop Trading Solution, focusing on enhancements to its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Brokers can now choose between manual and automatic phase progression for traders, with an option for admin approval. The platform offers real-time notifications for phase progression requests, customizable daily loss limits, and integration of TradingView charts. The KYC verification process has been updated to link to individual phases, and a new notification system has been implemented for key account events. The Broker API has been enhanced to include new functionalities for position closure, adding notes, and creating tasks. These upgrades aim to streamline operations and enhance the user experience for both brokers and traders.

Match-Trade has upgraded its Prop Trading Solution, focusing on enhancements to its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Brokers can now choose between manual and automatic phase progression for traders, with an option for admin approval. The platform offers real-time notifications for phase progression requests, customizable daily loss limits, and integration of TradingView charts. The KYC verification process has been updated to link to individual phases, and a new notification system has been implemented for key account events. The Broker API has been enhanced to include new functionalities for position closure, adding notes, and creating tasks. These upgrades aim to streamline operations and enhance the user experience for both brokers and traders.

The website content provides a list of the top 10 best No Deposit Bonus Forex brokers in 2024, offering insights into each broker's features and bonuses. It explains the concept of Forex bonuses, the different types of bonuses available, and how to find the best brokers offering these bonuses. The content emphasizes the importance of research, reading reviews, checking payment methods, considering the broker's background and regulatory compliance, and assessing the impact of bonuses on trading activities. It also includes FAQs addressing common queries about Forex bonuses. Overall, the content serves as a guide for traders looking to leverage Forex bonuses for trading purposes.

The website content provides a list of the top 10 best No Deposit Bonus Forex brokers in 2024, offering insights into each broker's features and bonuses. It explains the concept of Forex bonuses, the different types of bonuses available, and how to find the best brokers offering these bonuses. The content emphasizes the importance of research, reading reviews, checking payment methods, considering the broker's background and regulatory compliance, and assessing the impact of bonuses on trading activities. It also includes FAQs addressing common queries about Forex bonuses. Overall, the content serves as a guide for traders looking to leverage Forex bonuses for trading purposes.

Exness is a reliable trading platform offering quick access to funds with its instant withdrawal system. It provides access to MetaTrader platforms, offers low spreads, and has multiple account options. The platform is regulated by authorities like FCA and CySEC, ensuring safety for traders. Customer support is available 24/7 in various languages, and there are educational resources for new traders. Overall, Exness is a solid choice for traders valuing efficiency, quick fund access, and trustworthiness.

Exness is a reliable trading platform offering quick access to funds with its instant withdrawal system. It provides access to MetaTrader platforms, offers low spreads, and has multiple account options. The platform is regulated by authorities like FCA and CySEC, ensuring safety for traders. Customer support is available 24/7 in various languages, and there are educational resources for new traders. Overall, Exness is a solid choice for traders valuing efficiency, quick fund access, and trustworthiness.

Match-Trade Technologies integrates with TradingView to provide robust trading solutions for brokers. The collaboration aims to combine advanced technology with user-friendly interfaces, allowing brokers to connect their back-end trading infrastructure with TradingView's front-end charting tools and community features. The integrated solution enables Match-Trade brokers to leverage TradingView's visualization features and social tools to attract new traders and enhance offerings for existing customers. The partnership is seen as meeting market expectations for advanced back-end technology and diverse trading experiences. Match-Trade has also recently upgraded its suite of offerings, including launching a mobile version of its Forex CRM and improving its trading platform, Match-Trader. TradingView has also partnered with DXtrade to centralize key functionality for brokers. Love in every #TradingView60M+Traders and investors use our platform. #1Top website in the world when it comes to all things investing. 1.5M+Mobile reviews with 4.9 average rating. No other fintech apps are more loved. 10M+Custom scripts and ideas shared by our users.

Match-Trade Technologies integrates with TradingView to provide robust trading solutions for brokers. The collaboration aims to combine advanced technology with user-friendly interfaces, allowing brokers to connect their back-end trading infrastructure with TradingView's front-end charting tools and community features. The integrated solution enables Match-Trade brokers to leverage TradingView's visualization features and social tools to attract new traders and enhance offerings for existing customers. The partnership is seen as meeting market expectations for advanced back-end technology and diverse trading experiences. Match-Trade has also recently upgraded its suite of offerings, including launching a mobile version of its Forex CRM and improving its trading platform, Match-Trader. TradingView has also partnered with DXtrade to centralize key functionality for brokers. Love in every #TradingView60M+Traders and investors use our platform. #1Top website in the world when it comes to all things investing. 1.5M+Mobile reviews with 4.9 average rating. No other fintech apps are more loved. 10M+Custom scripts and ideas shared by our users.

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Match-Trader 리뷰: 브로커 및 트레이더를 위한 종합 트레이딩 플랫폼

거래 기술이 급속히 발전하는 시대에, 트레이더와 브로커 모두의 모든 요구를 충족하는 플랫폼을 찾는 것은 어려울 수 있습니다. 그러나 Match-Trader는 이 시장에서 가장 흥미로운 옵션 중 하나로 떠올랐습니다. 사용자 친화적인 디자인과 최첨단 기술을 갖춘 이 플랫폼은 독특한 거래 경험을 추구하는 브로커와 트레이더 모두에게 적합합니다.

Match-Trader에 대한 일반 정보

Match-Trader는 온라인 거래용 소프트웨어 개발에 대한 광범위한 경험을 가진 회사인 Match-Trade Technologies가 개발한 거래 플랫폼입니다. 이 회사는 시장에서 11년 이상 활동하면서 전 세계적으로 850명 이상의 고객의 신뢰를 얻었습니다. Match-Trader는 브로커와 원활하게 통합되도록 설계되어 독립형 플랫폼으로 사용하든 CRM 및 클라이언트 오피스 애플리케이션을 포함하는 보다 포괄적인 솔루션의 일부로 사용하든 유연성을 제공합니다.

Match-Trader의 주요 기능

  1. 수상 경력이 있는 기술: Match-Trader는 금융 업계에서 인정을 받았으며 여러 상을 수상했습니다. 이 플랫폼에는 고급 기술이 포함되어 있으며, 특히 인기 있는 TradingView 차트를 통합하여 트레이더가 시장을 세부적으로 그리고 빠르게 분석할 수 있습니다.

  2. 사용의 유연성: 이 플랫폼은 브로커의 요구에 맞게 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다. Match-Trader를 독립형 플랫폼으로 사용하든 CRM 및 클라이언트 오피스 애플리케이션이 내장된 올인원 솔루션으로 사용하든, 뛰어난 유연성을 제공합니다. 또한 Match-Trader는 다양한 API를 통해 다른 시스템과 통합할 수 있습니다.

  3. 프롭 트레이딩 시스템: Prop Trading 시장에 진입하려는 회사를 위해 Match-Trader는 챌린지 기반 거래를 지원하도록 설계된 전담 솔루션을 제공하며, 계정 관리 및 성과 통계 기능이 내장되어 있습니다.

  4. 높은 보안 기준: Match-Trader는 가장 높은 보안 표준과 빠르고 안정적인 처리를 갖춰 브로커와 트레이더 모두에게 원활한 거래 경험을 보장합니다.


Match-Trader는 포괄적이고 매우 유연한 거래 플랫폼으로, 사업을 확장하려는 브로커와 현대적인 거래 경험을 추구하는 트레이더에게 이상적입니다. 최첨단 기술, TradingView 차트와의 통합, 최고 수준의 보안 표준을 갖춘 이 플랫폼은 금융 시장에 있는 사람들에게 강력한 경쟁자입니다. 그러나 새로운 트레이더는 플랫폼의 광범위한 기능에 익숙해지는 데 시간이 필요할 수 있습니다.

TrustFinance는 사용자 경험 개선을 위해 분석용 쿠키를 사용합니다. 자세한 내용은쿠키 정책을 참조하세요