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11월 2021 (3 년)



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TrustFinance에서의 검증


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구동: TrustFinance


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회사 정보

알아가기 HxAfrica

We have positioned to solve the perennial problems that plagues the real estate industry; With our block-chain powered technology, we are presenting lasting solutions to; - Problem of High Entry Point - Problem of illiquidity - Problem of Inadequate Funding We are channeling our focus on the middle to low class (starting with Nigeria) which make up about 79% of the population and who evidently have some disposable income (by reason of the proliferation of ponzi schemes in the country) , We want to give them a genuine investment option by breaking real estate investment into affordable fractions and offering it as investment products to this social class with an added feature of being able to convert this to cash at any time at the touch of a button. We then aggregate this funds to provide much needed finance to the users in the real estate industry.

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주요 산업

  • 재정 - 투자기본

리뷰 강조

리뷰 분석



직접 검토


Overall Thought

I am delighted to share a my review on Hx Africa Company, acknowledging their exceptional distinction as a company that surpasses all expectations. Their reputation as the greatest in their field is well-deserved and evident in every aspect of their operations. Hx Africa's unparalleled commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction sets them apart from the rest. Their remarkable ability to deliver outstanding products/services and maintain a superior standard is truly impressive. I am genuinely awestruck by their achievements and have no hesitation in recommending Hx Africa to anyone seeking the best. Their unparalleled greatness is a testament to their relentless pursuit of excellence and their determination to stand as a shining example of exceptional quality and service.

8월 30, 2023
Kotoma otenento

Kotoma otenento

직접 검토


Overall Thought

HxAfrica is playing a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of real estate investment in Africa, driving positive change. Their efforts have significantly improved the accessibility and quality of investments. The user-friendly interface adds to their appeal, making the investment process smoother and more enjoyable.

8월 27, 2023


직접 검토


Overall Thought

It is my privilege to be Among those to be Among that enjoy this greatest company. This company has been superior in Nigeria because of their punctuality and consistency in improving our services and carry out our services. Also this Amazing site it is the best and Incredible Site which change our life from Negative to positive to change our live status. Thank you for your contribution and Support on make our life better.

8월 27, 2023
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Social Scout

HxAfrica에 대해 Social Scout가 발견한 내용을 확인하세요.

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트러스트파이낸스 AI 분석 제공


| 총 119

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AI 리뷰 분석

트러스트파이낸스 AI가 모든 리뷰를 요약해 드립니다.

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트러스트파이낸스 AI 분석 제공


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정렬 기준

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직접 검토 Dot icon17 2월

전반적인 생각


HxAfrica seems to be on to something with their somewhat unique solutions. While I enjoyed the straightforward interface, I think they need to update their general environment.

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직접 검토 Dot icon24 1월

전반적인 생각


It is great, but it needs some upgrade,the lagging and slowing down is very frustrating

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직접 검토 Dot icon13 12월

전반적인 생각


Investing with HxAfrica's are worth the effort. So to accomplish independence from the rat race and have money returns With Hxafrica you can put your profit in land and procure brings day to day back.

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직접 검토 Dot icon3 9월

전반적인 생각


Nice job HxAfrica, i didnt have much trouble navigating the Real estate firm

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직접 검토 Dot icon2 9월

전반적인 생각


I’m very happy to know the site because it was easy for me to navigate through and they are the best in real estate

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