21 Thg 10 2019
(6 년)
0 리뷰
June, 2024
May, 2024
총 3개월 : 12.1K
eCLUB is on a mission to make digital payments and fair credits a reality for millions in Latin America. It offers an international Mastercard card and is the first free contactless card on the market in Paraguay, with no issuance, renewal, maintenance, nor closing costs. It can be used to make purchases on any website or store in the world that accepts Mastercard. In addition, it offers the possibility of carrying out a wide variety of financial transactions through the app such as free transferring money, paying bills, and topping up cell phones and transportation cards. Users can also track expenses through an analysis tool, apply for loans and soon invest in mutual funds. We are also working on an integrated solution to cater the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises needs.
eCLUB is on a mission to make digital payments and fair credits a reality for millions in Latin America. It offers an international Mastercard card and is the first free contactless card on the market in Paraguay, with no issuance, renewal, maintenance, nor closing costs. It can be used to make purchases on any website or store in the world that accepts Mastercard. In addition, it offers the possibility of carrying out a wide variety of financial transactions through the app such as free transferring money, paying bills, and topping up cell phones and transportation cards. Users can also track expenses through an analysis tool, apply for loans and soon invest in mutual funds. We are also working on an integrated solution to cater the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises needs.
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