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Alpha Omega Financial Systems

Information by Research Trustfinance
At Alpha Omega we believe that straight-through-processing is achievable today, resulting in a seamless flow of trade details from portfolio management to trading to settlement. The industry standard FIX protocol offers the granularity, flexibility and connectivity to fully support the communication of trade details between asset managers, brokers, clearing agencies and custodian banks. Recognizing these capabilities, leading asset managers and broker/dealers have embraced the FIX protocol as a uniform standard that can serve all participants in the post-trade world. For the last two decades much of the industry’s investment has been directed towards front-office solutions. We believe that the middle- and back-office are essential functions that can contribute to lowering costs, reducing errors and ultimately improving portfolio performance. We offer innovative technology and the highest level of strategic consultation to enable our clients to achieve these goals. Our mission is clear. Our expertise in post-trade is unmatched. And our solutions are backed by experienced technology and investment professionals who understand the entire investment process, from pre- to post-trade, Alpha to Omega.
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United States



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