Our objective is to establish and maintain a community of reliable and helpful evaluations. Our basic values of integrity, trust, and transparency are essential to achieving this.
All of our conduct shall be in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. In addition to that, we also anticipate that those who work for us, interact with our community, and transact business with us will act morally and in accordance with our values.
Our dedication to conducting business in line with the highest ethical standards is reflected in our Code of Ethics. The TrustFinance Code of Conduct has been replaced.
This Code of Ethics presents a framework of fundamental principles to regulate behavior and assist everyone in "doing the right thing" while freely sharing our core beliefs with our partners and stakeholders. It establishes clear guidelines for what constitutes acceptable business behavior for both ourselves and other people.
Everyone who is subject to the Code of Ethics is expected to read, comprehend, and abide by it; failure to do so may result in grave penalties. Questions can be sent to admin@trustfinance.com
We expect all of TrustFinance's staff members, including our executives and directors, to read, comprehend, and abide by this Code of Ethics. All employment agreements with TrustFinance contain a copy of this document.
The Code of Ethics applies to everyone conducting business with us, including partners, suppliers, and the members of our community of consumers, customers, and businesses.
- Act ethically and use good judgment.
We expect all of our workers to uphold and encourage ethical behavior at work. We teach and demand of our employees that they behave in a fair, responsible, and professional manner, that they carry out their responsibilities with honesty and integrity, and that they respect others. We are dedicated to fostering and incorporating this into our operational culture and procedures.
Everyone who conducts business with us and members of our community are held to the same standards of behavior.
- Create and preserve trust
As part of our commitment to maintaining and securing the integrity of the TrustFinance platform, we act in an impartial and objective manner when making decisions and recommendations.
We demand a high standard of conduct from everyone who interacts with us, including our team, our community, and anyone doing business with us.
- Maintain confidentiality
We recognize how crucial it is to handle delicate information with care. We expect all of our staff members and collaborators to keep any non-public information regarding our company, our clients, and members of our community secret.
In our interactions with our community of clients, consumers, and businesses, as well as with our suppliers, vendors, and other third parties, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity - both in terms of maintaining general commercial confidentiality and in regards to the protection of all personal information collected while offering our services.
On the TrustFinance website, our Privacy Policy describes how we handle and process data and protect the privacy of personal data in our possession.
We anticipate that everyone in our community and anyone conducting business with us will uphold a high standard of integrity and preserve and maintain the privacy of non-public information.
- Uphold care obligations and observe anti-bribery obligations
All applicable anti-corruption legislation of the nations in which we conduct business must be fully complied with by all of our workers, our community of clients, customers, consumers, and enterprises. This includes the worldwide applicable United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the United Kingdom Bribery Act of 2010.
- Avoid conflicts of interest
Conflicts of interest should not be a problem for anyone covered by this code of ethics. Employees of TrustFinance should refrain from taking on additional or supplemental work that would, in theory or in practice, appear to create a conflict of interest. Any full-time TrustFinance employees who intend to work additional or supplemental hours must first obtain the Governance Team's prior written approval.
- Retain a dedication to loyalty
Employees and those else subject to the Code of Ethics owe a duty of loyalty to TrustFinance and a responsibility to act in that company's best interests.
- Be respectful and refrain from any abusive or threatening behavior
Respect for one another is something we hold dear. We don't tolerate rudeness, threats, or coercive language from or directed at TrustFinance staff. The authorities will be informed of any illegal behavior.
- Practice equality and avoid discrimination and harassment
We value the diversity of our workforce. Every day, our employees are expected to urge others to act properly as well as to refrain from discrimination in their interactions with one another, customers, vendors, and suppliers. In accordance with our Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy, we also work to protect all staff members from harassment, and we don't let personal issues like gender, race, creed, color, age, or disability affect the decisions we make or the recommendations we make. We're dedicated to preserving a secure, harassment- and discrimination-free workplace where workers at all levels may give their tasks their all-out effort. The TrustFinance culture does not tolerate harassment, discrimination, or any other unacceptable behavior, whether it is deliberate or accidental.
As a result, whether an employee has supervisory or non-supervisory responsibilities, we do not approve of and will not accept any sort of harassment, discrimination, or other inappropriate behavior. This includes behavior that takes place in our principal locations as well as any other work-related venues outside of the office, such as business vacations, business meetings, and business-related social activities, but is not restricted to either.
Our User Guidelines and Company Guidelines prohibit harassment of or against reviewers in our online review community.
Additionally, we demand that everyone doing business with us advocate and enable actions that advance equality and prevent harassment and discrimination. We make every effort to prevent modern slavery from occurring either within our business or within our supply chains. Therefore, we demand that everyone who works for or with us complies fully with all applicable anti-slavery legislation of the nations in which we conduct business, including the Constitution which prohibits slavery at article 10. Section 370 of the Penal Code prohibits buying or disposing of people as slaves, section 371 prohibits habitual dealing in slaves and section 367 prohibits kidnapping or abducting in order to subject a person to slavery. Slavery may also form an element of an offence of trafficking under articles 3 and 4 of the 2014 Prevention of Human Trafficking Act. Additionally, as outlined in our Modern Slavery Code of Conduct, we ask and demand of our partners that they respect the rights of all workers and pledge to conduct themselves legally and morally in all areas of their operations.
- Strive to set the standard
We think of our staff members as "trust ambassadors" who represent TrustFinance in their official capacities both within and outside the office, such as on LinkedIn and social media. They must behave in a way that upholds our principles, fosters confidence in our business, and enhances our reputation.
We encourage everyone who conducts business with us and our employees to "set the standard" for ethical conduct.
On our intranet, we have a document called "Code of Ethics Guide & Instances" that offers advice for staff members and employees on how to live up to our principles and gives examples of appropriate and inappropriate behavior. It needs to be read alongside this Code of Ethics.
Violations should be reported to the Governance Team at TrustFinance at admin@trustfinance.com
Employees of TrustFinance who report violations of the Code of Ethics or the specific guidelines for reviews in our Code of Ethics Guide & Examples will be subject to a discreet, comprehensive, and equitable investigation, and appropriate action will be taken.
A violation may result in disciplinary action, which may include dismissal or termination of work and, if necessary, legal actions. This includes posting bogus reviews or reporting reviews.
If you want to make an anonymous report, you will soon be able to use our whistleblower option. This will be particularly designed so that you may report questionable behavior while remaining entirely anonymous.
We must all work together to ensure that our actions are consistent with high ethical standards.
We regularly review, revise, and update both this Code of Ethics and our policies. In accordance with current law, we reserve the right to change our Code of Ethics at any time and for any cause.
This Code of Ethics is the responsibility of TrustFinance's Governance Team. If you have any inquiries regarding its content, kindly email admin@trustfinance.com