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IPR Asset Management

Information by Research Trustfinance
Intellectual property assets such as patents indicate the innovation investment and ability to offer competitive products in the future. The value trend and quality of those assets further indicates a high probability for future market success with these inventions. This is also an indicator for the value potential of a company. The aim is to provide investors with maximum stability and security in earnings based on (longterm) strategies worldwide. The value analysis of the patent portfolios of different top high-tech companies worldwide in almost all sectors enables different investment strategies for funds, family offices, or private equity investors. Backtests as well as live trackings show that all benchmarks can be outperformed for companies listed on stock markets. In addition, non-listed companies can be valued.
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  • Wealth Management

TrustFinance विश्लेषण द्वारा आपका अनुभव बेहतर बनाता है, पूरी जानकारी हैकुकीज़ नीति