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Information by Research Trustfinance
Vaultbank is a global investment firm, committed to sound financial investment and technological advancement. Vaultbank Tokens intend to offer quarterly dividends and are backed by secured credit assets created by an experienced investment and portfolio management team. Vaultbank offers a debit MasterCard that can be linked to select leading cryptocurrencies at highly competitive industry exchange rates on major global currencies. Account holders are empowered to select from multiple cryptocurrencies for use as tender. Vaultbank cards are accepted at all point of sale terminals – for the first time an asset backed security will be able to be used as tender for purchases. Furthermore, Vaultbank also provides transaction services for cryptocurrencies as well as 120 fiat currencies, of which 17 of the leading global currencies will have highly competitive exchange rates - thus enabling investors who desire exposure to those markets to use their assets as tender virtually anywhere in the world.
Founded inimage of United States

United States



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