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2005 (19 Years)

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Thg 03 12, 2024

This broker is closed.


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Get to know Sunbird

Broker sunbird was established in 2005 as an online retail no-dealing-desk (NDD) broker with which traders are capable to male profits from tight spreads on trading currency pairs and CFD’s4 and elaborated bonus and promotion programs. Sunbird fx headquarters are located in Dublin, Ireland. Besides, the company has a representative office in Seychelles.

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TrustFinance Intelligence Agency

Research date: Thg 11 14, 2024

Sunbird, an app that attempted to bring iMessage to Android in the past but faced security issues, is now relaunching its services with a focus on improved security measures. The app has made changes to its architecture and security protocols, including encrypting messages, using secure cloud storage, and integrating with RCS via Google Messages. Sunbird has also brought in an independent security consultancy and a former Google engineer as an advisor. Despite these efforts, there are still concerns about the company's credibility and trustworthiness. The app is rolling out invitations to its waitlist in small phases starting April 5.

Sunbird, an app that attempted to bring iMessage to Android in the past but faced security issues, is now relaunching its services with a focus on improved security measures. The app has made changes to its architecture and security protocols, including encrypting messages, using secure cloud storage, and integrating with RCS via Google Messages. Sunbird has also brought in an independent security consultancy and a former Google engineer as an advisor. Despite these efforts, there are still concerns about the company's credibility and trustworthiness. The app is rolling out invitations to its waitlist in small phases starting April 5.

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