United Kingdom
01 Thg 01 2015
(9 Years)
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June, 2024
May, 2024
Total in 3 months : 4.2K
United States
United Kingdom
Our Motto: “We build Smarter CRM solutions for Financial Services". Asklogix support Financial Services Companies in their digital transformation, with flexible and innovative solutions based on the Salesforce platform & AI technologies. Our Software Suite of Financial Services customer relationship management (CRM), is a fully compliant & secured Solution, customizable, scalable and built for growth. Our solutions ensures improved sales, enhanced productivity, efficient communications, improved customer experience, and customer loyalty. We focus on those clients : M&A, Private Equity, Hedge Fund, Family Office, Bank. Our objective? Financial services companies are facing increasing competition and tighter regulatory requirements. Manual processing of KYC / AML, low customer satisfaction and commitment are no longer acceptable. Sales process automation, powerful online customer services and optimized sales/marketing collaboration processes are critical to long-term success. We help players in the Financial Services sector deliver exceptional results.
Our Motto: “We build Smarter CRM solutions for Financial Services". Asklogix support Financial Services Companies in their digital transformation, with flexible and innovative solutions based on the Salesforce platform & AI technologies. Our Software Suite of Financial Services customer relationship management (CRM), is a fully compliant & secured Solution, customizable, scalable and built for growth. Our solutions ensures improved sales, enhanced productivity, efficient communications, improved customer experience, and customer loyalty. We focus on those clients : M&A, Private Equity, Hedge Fund, Family Office, Bank. Our objective? Financial services companies are facing increasing competition and tighter regulatory requirements. Manual processing of KYC / AML, low customer satisfaction and commitment are no longer acceptable. Sales process automation, powerful online customer services and optimized sales/marketing collaboration processes are critical to long-term success. We help players in the Financial Services sector deliver exceptional results.
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