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TP Trades

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Pertimbangkan pilihan Anda dan pilih layanan yang sesuai.



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Informasi Perusahaan

Mengenal TP Trades

TP TRADES is Multi-Asset Trading Platforms with Meta Trader 4, over 50 tradable instruments in forex, spot metals,CFDs,and spot indices. TP TRADES serves retail and institutional customers from over 180 countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. TP TRADES’ clients can benefit from round-the-clock coverage delivered by one of the worlds’ largest and most accomplished global client coverage teams. The ask-market customer-centric model combines bespoke trading functionality through its platforms with the widest suite of products to offer the best pricing, execution and liquidity. Daily market news feed and insightful research give clients access to the best information and data to make informed trading decisions. Evidencing the leadership of TP TRADES in the worldwide multi-asset trading.

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  • Valuta Asing - Pialang RitelUTAMA

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TrustFinance Badan Intelijen

Tanggal penelitian: Thg 11 14, 2024

eFinancialCareers has decided to block traffic from mainland China due to the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) coming into force on November 1st. This decision is to comply with privacy laws in the territories they operate in. For any questions, contact eFinancialCareers Support at [email protected].

eFinancialCareers has decided to block traffic from mainland China due to the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) coming into force on November 1st. This decision is to comply with privacy laws in the territories they operate in. For any questions, contact eFinancialCareers Support at [email protected].

The website contains information about the Euromoney FX Awards winners in various categories, including best FX bank, broker, clearing and settlement venue, market maker, exchange, prime brokerage, software provider, and technology provider. The awards highlight the achievements and innovations of leading institutions in the foreign exchange industry. The content also includes details about the services, strategies, and market positions of the award recipients in different regions and categories.

The website contains information about the Euromoney FX Awards winners in various categories, including best FX bank, broker, clearing and settlement venue, market maker, exchange, prime brokerage, software provider, and technology provider. The awards highlight the achievements and innovations of leading institutions in the foreign exchange industry. The content also includes details about the services, strategies, and market positions of the award recipients in different regions and categories.

eFinancialCareers has decided to block traffic from mainland China due to the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) coming into force on November 1st. This decision is to comply with privacy laws in the territories they operate in. For any questions, contact eFinancialCareers Support at [email protected].

eFinancialCareers has decided to block traffic from mainland China due to the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) coming into force on November 1st. This decision is to comply with privacy laws in the territories they operate in. For any questions, contact eFinancialCareers Support at [email protected].

The website FNG provides news and information related to Forex, CFD, and cryptocurrency trading industry. The content includes news about trading platforms, regulatory updates, and leading brokers in the industry. It also features breaking news about new trading instruments, platform launches, and acquisitions. The website also offers a newsletter for subscribers to receive daily updates. The site also features a section for Retail Forex News, where recent developments in the retail trading sector are discussed. The content includes information about prop trading outfits, platform updates, and CEO changes at trading companies. Overall, the website covers a wide range of topics related to the trading industry.

The website FNG provides news and information related to Forex, CFD, and cryptocurrency trading industry. The content includes news about trading platforms, regulatory updates, and leading brokers in the industry. It also features breaking news about new trading instruments, platform launches, and acquisitions. The website also offers a newsletter for subscribers to receive daily updates. The site also features a section for Retail Forex News, where recent developments in the retail trading sector are discussed. The content includes information about prop trading outfits, platform updates, and CEO changes at trading companies. Overall, the website covers a wide range of topics related to the trading industry.

The website provides real-time US stocks quotes, market information, analysis, news, ETF overview, and economic calendar. It also offers technical charts, interactive charts, company profiles, financial ratios, and valuation details. The site covers global economic data and top news related to the US market. There is a disclaimer section at the bottom of the page. The website also includes information about Limited and Morningstar. It provides a video platform called AATV for informational purposes.

The website provides real-time US stocks quotes, market information, analysis, news, ETF overview, and economic calendar. It also offers technical charts, interactive charts, company profiles, financial ratios, and valuation details. The site covers global economic data and top news related to the US market. There is a disclaimer section at the bottom of the page. The website also includes information about Limited and Morningstar. It provides a video platform called AATV for informational purposes.

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Ulasan TP Trades: Apakah TP Trades bagus?

Ikhtisar dan informasi umum broker

TP Trades adalah broker yang menawarkan platform perdagangan multi-aset, tetapi tidak ada informasi yang jelas tentang tahun berdirinya di situs web resmi perusahaan. Broker ini menawarkan MetaTrader 4 sebagai platform utamanya dan menawarkan lebih dari 50 aset yang dapat diperdagangkan, termasuk Forex, logam mulia, CFD, dan indeks di pasar spot. TP Trades melayani klien ritel dan institusional dari lebih dari 180 negara di seluruh dunia, meliputi Eropa, Asia, Timur Tengah, Afrika, dan Amerika Latin.

Pialang tersebut menyatakan fokusnya adalah menyediakan layanan yang disesuaikan untuk kliennya, dengan tim dukungan pelanggan 24/7. Pialang tersebut juga menyediakan berita pasar harian dan penelitian komprehensif untuk membantu klien membuat keputusan perdagangan yang tepat.

Lisensi yang telah diperoleh broker

Jika Anda bertanya apakah TP Trades bagus, Anda harus mulai dengan mempertimbangkan faktor lisensi terlebih dahulu. Situs web broker tersebut menyatakan bahwa mereka telah memperoleh Lisensi Mwali Comoros, yang merupakan lisensi keuangan yang dikeluarkan oleh otoritas regulasi di Mwali (salah satu dari tiga pulau yang membentuk negara Komoro).

⚠️PERINGATAN: "Lisensi Mwali Komoro" dianggap memiliki tingkat kredibilitas yang rendah karena otoritas regulasi di Mwali mungkin tidak memiliki standar regulasi yang sama ketatnya dengan yang ada di negara-negara maju, yang dapat mengakibatkan perlindungan dan keamanan investor yang kurang ideal. Jika Anda mempertimbangkan untuk berinvestasi dengan perusahaan berlisensi Mwali, harap lakukan uji tuntas dan pertimbangkan risiko yang terlibat.

Produk dan Layanan TP Trades

Produk perdagangan

Pialang ini menawarkan berbagai alat perdagangan untuk memungkinkan pedagang memilih untuk berinvestasi di berbagai pasar keuangan, dengan lebih dari 50 produk.

  • Forex:Perdagangkan pasangan mata uang yang populer dan sangat likuid

  • Logam Spot: Memperdagangkan logam mulia seperti emas dan perak di pasar spot.

  • Kontrak CFD: Perdagangan CFD pada berbagai instrumen keuangan.

  • Indeks Spot:Perdagangan indeks utama di pasar spot

Platform Perdagangan

Pialang tersebut menggunakan platform perdagangan MetaTrader 4, yang tersedia di Windows, iPhone/iPad, dan Android OS. Ada pula pembicaraan tentang MetaTrader 5 yang akan segera hadir.

Jenis Akun TP Trades

Akun Standar

  • Setoran minimum: 20 USD

  • Spread: Mulai dari 1,5 pip

  • Pengungkit: 1 : 500

  • Komisi: Gratis

Akun STP Pro

  • Setoran minimum: 20 USD

  • Spread: Mulai dari 0,7 pip

  • Pengungkit: 1 : 500

  • Komisi: Gratis

 Akun ECN

  • Setoran minimum: 20 USD

  • Spread: Mulai dari 0,0 pip

  • Pengungkit: 1 : 500

  • Komisi: 7 USD

Pro dan Kontra Perdagangan TP


  • Layanan dukungan pelanggan 24/7

  • Ada dukungan pelanggan Thailand.


  • Lisensi regulasi yang terdaftar memiliki keandalan yang rendah.

  • Kurangnya transparansi dalam menjelaskan saluran penyetoran dan penarikan serta biaya transaksi keuangan

  • Situs web tersebut tidak menyediakan bahasa Thailand.

  • Setoran minimum cukup tinggi dibandingkan dengan broker lain.

  • Tidak banyak variasi produk perdagangan

Layanan Pelanggan TP Trades

Lokasi kantor:

7/23 Ngamwongwan Road, Kecamatan Ladyao, Distrik Chatuchak, Bangkok

Saluran kontak:

Ringkasan ikhtisar broker?

Pialang TP Trades mungkin tidak cocok bagi investor yang mencari keamanan dan perlindungan dari otoritas regulasi karena kurangnya regulasi dari otoritas regulasi yang kredibel. Meskipun memiliki beberapa fitur yang menarik, risikonya yang tinggi mungkin tidak sepadan bagi investor rata-rata. Investor harus belajar dan mempertimbangkan sebelum memutuskan untuk berinvestasi.

Pilih broker yang paling aman dan paling cocok dengan ulasan TrustFinance

Mulailah berdagang Valas dengan mudah. Pilih broker yang aman dan tepercaya bersama TrustFinance. Sumber informasi dan ulasan lebih dari 180.000 broker Valas dan perusahaan keuangan, yang mencakup broker Valas terkemuka seperti Exness, FBS, XM, IC Markets, IUX, dan masih banyak lagi.

Ulasan TP Trades Bandingkan spread, biaya, platform perdagangan, kondisi deposit dan penarikan, dan banyak lagi dengan ulasan pengguna nyata untuk membantu Anda memutuskan broker mana yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

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Situs web kami menggunakan cookie untuk meningkatkan pengalaman menjelajah Anda dan membantu kami memahami bagaimana pengguna berinteraksi dengan situs kami. Dengan melanjutkan penggunaan situs web ini, Anda menyetujui penggunaan cookie sesuai dengan Kebijakan Cookie kami.