전반적인 생각
I have had a horrific experience, I deposited over R263 000 and everytime I have to withdraw I am told that something went wrong with my account and I am then requested to make another big deposit that I cannot even afford. I have written the complaints requesting for my money back. The merchants abuse their powers they demand high amounts and refuse to release the amount you have deposited. i was so lucky to contact (joanhopkins 104 at 9mail .com at gmail .com) for my refunds and i got refunded within a couple of days. i reconmend this company.
Coincheck에 대해 무엇을 좋아하십니까?
there is nothing to like about this platform.
Coincheck에 대해 무엇이 싫으신가요?
Not even a support from the customer services.
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TrustFinance는 사용자 경험 개선을 위해 분석용 쿠키를 사용합니다. 자세한 내용은쿠키 정책을 참조하세요